... to the home of the beautiful Republic Pamp el Múca, famous for its bananas and its benefactor, the pompous bug-squishing majesty, el generalissimo grande:
El Presidente José Maria Fango Paco Calamares de Cadentes.

Full site coming soon. ...until then:
Let's raise our glasses for a toast to our beloved leader,
the Imperator, His Omnipotent Pompous Supremacy and Aristocraticness, Emperor Manifested as El Presidente José Maria Fango Paco Calamares de Cadentes. The Wondrous Numero Uno, the bug-squishing Benefactor and Omnipotent Big Cheese of the Glorious República Pamp El Múca.

Official address:
Edifício Palácio Presidente Naciónal de la República Liberata Pamp El Múca
Rua Carlos Gomes Incontinencias de la Libertat 1
MC-945#01 Santa Maria de la Collaboracion
República Pamp El Múca